MeFit: Prehabilitation for patients awaiting cancer, vascular and orthopaedic major surgery during the Covid-19 pandemic : Medway FT in collaboration with Kent and Medway Partnership Trust
The Prehabilitation team (MeFit) is a multidisciplinary team at Medway NHS Foundation Trust.
The team works with the patients awaiting major surgery to assess patients’ risk, optimize chronic health, improve physical fitness, nutritional health, and mental well-being. The team also promotes healthy lifestyle.
Aim is to reduce perioperative morbidity, mortality and shorten hospital stay when face to face prehabilitation service were suspended.
The redesigned service restarted three months ago, delivering prehabilitation to 70 patients to date. This home-based prehabilitation service exploited any delays to surgery caused by the second wave of Covid-19 and used the time to the patients advantage.