Award Winner
Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust - Creating a chaplaincy for the 21st century: A multi-faith & belief service
Highly Commended
MSB Group Hospitals, Mid & South Essex STP with Boston Consulting Group - Working Together for Operational Excellence in Radiology
- Brent Community Ophthalmology Service
- British Dietetic Association: Renal Nutrition Group - NHS Renal Dietitians: Improving dietary provision for those from black and minority ethnic groups with chronic kidney disease
- LGSS - Streamlining the Northamptonshire -19 vaccination process through a digital consent collection model
- Medway FT - Medway Prehabilitation Programme
- Midlands and Lancashire CSU - Delivering personal health budgets for children and young people with complex health needs in Leicestershire
- University Hospital of Derby and Burton FT - Improving patient safety with a multi-disciplinary healthcare associated infection review group
- University Hospitals Birmingham FT - Eat Drink Dress Move: Supporting patients’ active participation in their recovery in hospital
- University Hospitals of Leicester Trust - Therapy provision of rehabilitation to patients receiving Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)