Award Winner
Devon Doctors - 111 Step-In Service for Over 75's - Somerset
Highly Commended
Taunton and Somerset FT - Evidence Team: Embedded Improvement Librarian


  • Airedale FT in partnership with Retinue Health - Strategic transformation, savings and productivity improvements
  • Cambridge University Hospitals FT - Procurement & Supply Chain Service to Theatres: The Gold Standard
  • Care1bank: Collaboration with 5 NHS Trusts, supported by Holt Workforce Management - Equal participation for a genuinely successful centralised regional bank
  • Guy's and St Thomas' FT - Sustainable Actions delivering Valuable Efficiencies (SAVE)
  • Hammersmith and Fulham Community Education Provider Network - Cervical Screening Project
  • Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust, supported by Holt Workforce Management - A Successful Trust and Agency Partnership: Cost, quality and compliance in temporary staffing
  • NHS Blood and Transplant - Meeting the ‘On Time In Full’ key performance indicator in NHSBT Manchester
  • Royal Free London FT - STU: The Recruitment Robot
  • Sussex MSK Partnership East - Improving performance and staff & patient satisfaction through promoting alternative leadership model