Integrated working: A System approach to resetting and delivering Outpatients, Diagnostics and Clinical Pathways in the North Alliance : North Alliance of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough STP - NWAngliaFT, CPFT, Primary Care, PCVS, PHE, CCG
To support COVID-19 recovery the North Alliance, part of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough STP, created an Outpatient and Diagnostic Transformation Board to understand the challenges that were presented and work collaboratively addressing these. Overseeing design and coordination of an outcome-based outpatient and diagnostic transformation programme, whilst also planning and delivering system wide post recovery was the priority. This integrated approach of health, social, and voluntary services enabled a sustainable approach to be taken to the delivery of services, focusing around developing local processes and pathways to target Respiratory, Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes, embedding patient centred care whilst addressing health inequalities.