Digital Clinical Transformation Award

Download the criteria guide

Whilst the ever-changing healthcare technology landscape provides a constant flow of new opportunities, the rise of the CCIO role across NHS organisations is testament to the fact that there is little point in developing tools that clinicians and patients do not have the capacity or capability to use. To ensure clinician engagement, technology uptake has now begun to be implemented as part of a complete overhaul of processes and clinical pathways, with clear benefits to clinical outcomes, patient safety and quality of care.
The undeniable necessity of prioritising digital ways of working as part of the COVID-19 response has further built on all this progress. 
This award recognises digital transformations underpinned by a clear clinical need, and that has resulted in better and faster coordination of care, enabling patients and service users to receive the most appropriate care in the most appropriate settings.


This award is open to all NHS organisations who have leveraged technology to drive process changes and improvements in clinical operations.


  • Describe the context in which the transformation was required, clearly evidencing the clinical need
  • To what extent was this driven by an evaluation of existing best practice?
  • Discuss the targets set in terms of patient outcomes and experience, efficiency, ease of use, and ease of integration
  • How were those targets identified and what initial planning and research took place?
  • Evidence the financial assessments undertaken and predicted impacts of the transformation – how was value for money to be measured?


  • How did the results of the transformation perform against the initially agreed targets?
  • Provide both quantitative and testimonial evidence to show improvements in patient experience and outcomes
  • Detail the impacts of the transformation on clinicians and AHPs delivering care
  • Evidence the financial impacts and value for money assessment


  • How has this transformation impacted other teams and/or organisations?
  • Describe the efforts being made to share best practice across the wider NHS
  • Alternatively, provide evidence that this transformation could be replicable and effective elsewhere


  • Evidence the added value of this transformation to patients, in terms of saved time, experience, outcomes and quality of life
  • If appropriate, detail how the transformation better enables patients to manage their own care
  • Describe the added value for clinicians and staff in terms of saved time and quality of service
  • Provide supporting evidence of how the transformation has delivered value for money in other areas – this can be qualitative or quantitative


  • Provide clear evidence surrounding the consultative measures taken to inform, involve and enable participation in the design and implementation of the transformation
  • Show how clinicians, AHPs and other relevant staff were engaged in the technology selection and overall process transformation 
  • How was patient feedback incorporated? 
  • Describe how the technology suppliers worked effectively with the service users to ensure a seamless implementation, with minimal disruption to patients

To find out more

For all enquiries, please contact Awards Support on